Monday, March 30, 2009

Paisley Grace!!!

I got a phone call at 3am this morning, March 30th 2009.....Jennifer said the words I had been very anxious to hear for a while now, "We're at the hospital..." She had to get off the phone in a hurry because the doctor came in to talk to I was left hanging!!! I text Burnham and let her know what was going on so I didn't have to hurry to school. Once I got to the hospital Jennifer was very calm and doing great. I ened up staying in the room with her all throughout the delivery until Paisley Grace came into the world at 1pm! She opened her eyes right away and was looking around at all of the bright lights and smiling faces! She barely cried at all and Austin said "let's keep it that way"....haha yeah right Austin! Her fingers and toes are long and skinny like her mommy and daddy! She definitely has Jennifer's mouth and lips, but she has Austin's eyes and lack of hair! Aunt Becca loves you little Paisley!!!

Me and my sisters with our new little girl :)

Me and Jen with Paisley!

I was happy to finally hold my little niece I have been very anxious to meet!

Eyes wide open while daddy was holding her! Awwwww

Scrunched up little face!!!!!!!!!

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